воскресенье, 1 июня 2014 г.

Football Dood (Donation) apk free download

Football Dood (Donation)


Download .apk

Create and share plays.

Visit Sportsdood.com:

- Training / How-to videos

- Web-based animation viewer

- Download Free Windows Video Maker

sample: http://ift.tt/1mxrLha

Football Dood is a must have application for football coaches. A great clipboard or playbook application. It allows users to touch and move players around on a field and then layer on doodles and text. Once happy with the image, users can then save image. Can be used on phone or tablet, buy once!

Paid features

- no ads

- save more than 5 plays

- animation sharing (can still view someone's shared animation in the free version)


- quick play area transitions or use multitouch to position rink

- move players, add pylons, refs and a puck

- save/share images & animations

- add text and move it around

- various doodles such as arrow line or dotted line

Please email me for support or feature requests: info@sportsdood.com


(post images and animations to the user forum)

Keywords: strategy, coach, playbook, play, book, clipboard, drills, plays, player positions, doodle, soccer, football, fifa


Download .apk

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